
Sixth International Workshop on the History of Speech Communication Research
September 20–21, Budapest, Hungary
The aim of this workshop is to bring scholars together who study the history of speech science to learn more on the methods, findings and results of our predecessors and to better understand the speech research community’s present achievements.
Speech has been investigated from different perspectives, which necessitates a range of approaches and scientific methods. Previous contributions analyzed the contextual background of individual researchers, investigated how specific research practices developed over time, examined the various kinds of approach of researchers to their material and the link between the form and the meaning in speech communication research.
The special focus of the 6th HSCR workshop will be on the development of the specific fields of speech communication, such as emerging phonology, progression in analysis of both speech sounds and prosody, speech technology, growing body of psycholinguistics, sociophonetics and clinical phonetics, etc. Researchers are encouraged to mine deep into history to find the early steps and advancement of these specific fields of speech communication. The knowledge of our predecessors is frequently unknown, forgotten or ignored for several reasons, and thus the past attainments are not appropriately integrated in our common consciousness regarding speech science. As always, contributions on other topics from the history of speech communication research will also be welcome. The unfolded facts of the phonetic endeavor in the history of speech science may heavily inspire the present research.
The workshop will take place in person at the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest on September 20–21, 2024. The event is organized by the Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics.
The keynote speakers of the workshop will be Jürgen Trouvain (Saarland University) and Ákos Gocsál (University of Pécs).
Important dates:
Manuscript submission deadline: May 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: June 02, 2024
Deadline for revised manuscript submission: July 05, 2024